Monday, July 21, 2008

The Checklist

Goals for Re-Entry
1. Camp - Check
2. Find Job- Check
3. Find ways to get involved in service locally- in progress
4. Planning for Africa- in progress

Since I've been home I have been working part time as a nanny. I'm starting a job with Books a million this week. I have a boyfriend. We've been together since December and he is unfortunately in Germany now. I miss him. I miss Europe. And I miss feeling like I am doing something useful. I do enjoy seeing my family and friends here. I will be around Aiken for a while, but I am already planning the next big move.
This is probably the only update you'll get for a long while.


Marco said...

Cool to see you doing so well, with your goals and all. Here at the Shelter there's one of the most drastic staff turnovers in history underway -- I think 19 people are leaving over the course of two weeks!

Aimée Nicholson said...

Update blog- no check :(